What ?

MySQL-Formmaker is a tool for creating easy administration forms and output of data. You define your forms, types of input, order, and so on, and the system makes a database for you, along with the admin and output files all in PHP.

Latest release version is 1.4.1 - README


- MySQL-formmaker Sourceforge project page for all downloads, CVS, news and other info.

- Official pages of the author : You can find MySQL-Formmaker there and several other scripts !

Troubles & feedback

Support has ended for this script. You can still use the forums for my new framework though (only CVS available for now)

Site-backends made with MySQL-Formmaker (version - who)

- Ritspop (v1.4 - Author)
- Live Karaoke (v1.4 - Fons)
- Kristien Maes (v1.4 - Fons)
- Brusselse Welzijns- en Gezondheidsraad (v1.4 - Fons)
- Mpatshi (v1.4 - author)
- Tia-Design (v1.3 - Fons)
- Noise Reduction (V1.3 - Fons)
- Davedina Status page (v1.3 - Thomas)
- CD&V Kruishoutem (v1.2 - Author)
- Charlatan (v1.2 - Author)
- Roel Deseyn (v1.1 - Author)
- Helder (v1.0 - Author)

MySQL-Formmaker - 2004 by Kristof De Jaeger - mail: swentel at realize dot be
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